October 20th 04 01:11 AM
by Jerry
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1,881 |
WTB dornier 228 parts catalog by
We are interested in buying a D228 parts catalog, CMM or IPC
All we need is the name of the manufacturers of the parts
Thank you
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1,901 |
FA: Jeppesen Private Pilot Training kit by
Start Earning Your Private Pilot Certification!
Jeppesen Private Pilot Kits, developed for both FAR Part 61 and FAR
Part 141 training programs, are the most complete private pilot
training packages available. Purchasing a kit is an economical and
convenient way to obtain current, comprehensive,...
October 18th 04 04:30 PM
by Andy
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2,104 |
NEW by
David R Townend
AeroFile now has new pricing available.
Military Aircraft Designations and Systems
United States Navy Hull Numbers.
Please log onto to www.aerofile.ca and www.aerofile.ca/pricing for more
0 |
755 |
October 15th 04 07:10 PM
by Bill
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2,072 |
FS: 1976 "The Sky Masters" (Aviation) 1st Edition Book by
J.R. Sinclair
1976 "The Sky Masters" (Aviation) 1st Edition Book
I have for sale the out-of-print, 1st edition, hardcover book "The Sky
Masters" by Ian and Ralph Ormes (1976). The edition, (Printed in Great
Britain) contains 224 pages of text including vintage black and white
photographs profiling the history...
0 |
1,456 |
flyboy auction by
HI !
www.flyboyauction.com is looking for flight sim, collectors, radio
controlled, scale models and realworld enthusiasts to come and register free
on our site,
Please use the facility to buy and sell your aviation items, or use our
pilot store that is currently growing fast. We also have a...
October 12th 04 12:00 PM
by Shaun
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697 |
0 |
1,716 |
FS: 1979 "The National Air and Space Museum" 1st Edition Book by
J.R. Sinclair
1979 "The National Air and Space Museum" 1st Edition Book
I have for sale the out-of-print, 1st edition, hardcover book "The National
Air and Space Museum" by C.D.B. Bryans (1979). The hardcover 1st edition
contains 472 pages of text as well as full-color and vintage black and
white photographs...
0 |
2,031 |
correct link by
Hi, sorry guys wrong link dont know what happened their,
anyway the correct link is below
I have just launched a new website www.flyboyauction.com
Everything related to flying. Loads of flight sim stuff, plus your chance
to sell your unwanted stuff to. Free to register no credit cards are
October 10th 04 06:42 PM
by Shaun
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1,755 |
new website by
Just launched a great website for everything related to aviation.
Flight sim, radio controlled scale models, collectors.real aircraft,
ballooning, miro-lite ect....
It enables you to buy and sell also with free credit.
October 10th 04 06:32 PM
by Shaun
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1,139 |
Interview with (aviation legend) Bob Hoover by
Paul Lips
I promise you will learn something!
Part I
Part II
Part III
We would love to hear what you learned and what you liked reading...
( 1 2)
15 |
3,384 |
FS: 1986 "Fighting Jets" Hardcover Edition Book by
J.R. Sinclair
1986 "Fighting Jets" Hardcover Edition Book
I have for sale the 1986 hardcover edition book "Fighting Jets" by Bryce
Walker. The hardcover edition contains 176 pages of text as well as
full-color, and vintage black & white photographs profiling Fighting Jets
of the world. Included are chapters on:...
0 |
2,159 |
Look & SEE by
David R Townend
AeroFile now has new pricing available.
Military Aircraft Designations and Systems
United States Navy Hull Numbers.
Please log onto to www.aerofile.ca and www.aerofile.ca/pricing for more
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624 |
0 |
1,730 |
Paul Anton
I have a Terra TN200 VOR with GS, Tri-Nav indicator, tray, wiring harness
and maintenance manual.
The local Avionics shop is loath to test and yellow tag it since they're not
set up for Terra. I don't want to send it to Eastern Avionics for yellow tag
so it is priced accordingly.
I live fairly...
0 |
558 |
Windsocks ,. Great fall special $ 15 for 1 or $ 25 for 2 by
Windsocks 60 inch long well made with S\S swivel, bright colors of red ,white
and blue combo. easily seen from ground or air , sensitive to light breezes yet
strong enough for heavy wind . $ 15 for 1 or $ 25 for 2 and that includes the
priority mail shipping to you , yes freight paid , Send ...
0 |
1,184 |
Coil cord by
Anyone know a good source to buy a coil cord from?
I need one for my push to talk switch.
Hank 172 driver
October 5th 04 06:18 PM
by Hankal
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1,679 |
Headset wanted - prefer David Clark by
Marty from Sunny Florida
I'm looking for a used David Clark headset (dual plug for GA fixed wing
aircraft). I'll consider a broken set if you have one.
Please reply to marty@ z z z z worth.net z z z --- remove the z's and
Marty from Sunny South Florida
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1,558 |
Interviews with Pilots that Hollywood made famous by
Paul Lips
These are wonderful interviews all!
Actor Morgan Freeman - please visit
Producer, Director, Actor, Sydney Pollack.
Last month we featured Actor Dennis...
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1,194 |