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Old September 16th 04, 10:38 PM
Fred the Red Shirt
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"The Enlightenment" wrote in message ...
"Andrew" wrote in message
This is beautiful. People come to celebrate the destruction
of a US military vehicle and they die. In my opinion, if you
dance around in jubilation at such a seen you are declaring
yourself to be an enemy and you invite incoming fire.

The action of jubilantly standing on a destroyed Bradley to express their
hate for the US occupation forces while the reactive and likely enraged and
fearfull and possibly vengefull collegues of the Bradley crew may be
watching on is a dangerous act bordering on stupidity.

Your pro US opinion is pretty irrelevent.

As a US citizen I object to that characterization.

His expressed opinion is anti-humanity and therefor anti-US. Please
do not tar us all with the same brush.
