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Old July 14th 03, 08:59 PM
external usenet poster
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Default Flying is proof of Freedom, was: Happy Fourth, Folks!

I have, like many Americans, felt we should not support
Israel in any shape or form unless they recall the methods they used
to gain a homeland, many many years ago,

Will you elaborate? What do you mean "method"? Are you suggesting that the
process (involving Great Britain and other world powers) was flawed? How so?

and agree to give the
Palestinians sovereignty (recognize a Pal. state with hard Pal.borders.)

This has been on the table more than once and has been rejected by "The

the subject is declaring independence from tyranny.
Freedom to fly is in my mind is a great example of a higher form of
unfettered freedom. I believe it epitomizes total freedom since it
can always be argued that personal freedom to fly does not benefit the
party or the peasants at large.

Anything can be "argued". Since when does freedom require a benefit beyond
itself, for its own sake.

I can think of no
other critical thing to fight for in this world than oil. Oil in the
wrong hands provides virtually unlimited funds for WMD development
whether any proof exists or not. The fact that a despot has billions
within his reach and is aggressive is reason enough for me to support
the administration's wag that we should again become global cop yet
again, and crank up the 40-year old B-52's for another possible
military misadventure. Just like real cops, global cop will make
mistakes and innocent people will have their lives ruined. It is
unfortunate fallout of Freedom, but one I soberly accept.

I agree 100% with this, too.