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Old January 10th 04, 01:07 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Blueskies" wrote in message
How is it that a camera crew and all the support folks can get out to the

gate, but my daughter and wife can not?

Easy! Your wife and daughter do not have prior written permission from the
airport to operate within the sterile areas. In most cases this is arranged
months in advance and an authorized airport official is with them at all
It is nice to have a sterile concourse now, it keeps the local media from
being able to come out to the gates everytime they are a little low on news
for the evening.
That of course does not keep the local media from coming out to the ticket
counters and video taping a cluster of people in one little tiny area and
then reporting on the news that the airport was jam packed.
Oops! I strayed from your answer.
