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Old May 11th 04, 09:51 PM
external usenet poster
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"Greg Copeland" wrote in message

In otherwords, the "crispness"
of the phane does not match that of other objects at the same distance.
There is also no motion blurr on the plane even though it obvious on the

Could it be because the photographer was tracking the plane? I noticed
there's a guy looking at what appears to be the plane in the lower right
corner, meaning somebody is looking at -something-. There is a noticeable
lack of brakelights and skidmarks from the cars to suggest that the driver
was distracted (or a pilot, and geeking completely out) by the airplane.

An airplane like that used to land at Moffett (it's an AN-134, I believe).
Spent several hours watching semis drive in through the tail and exit
through the nose. The plane is that big.