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Old April 15th 04, 03:41 AM
Dr. Anthony J. Lomenzo
external usenet poster
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Default Hmmmmm. FS98 'mystery'

Stop it! YOU elected to click on, yes? ;-)
Think of it as a flight .... of sorts .... but then, you never quite
know what the theme is...

OK...straight sim stuff this time about some takers on
this current mystery: Naturally, '04 [AKA FS9] is doing its thing and
FS2K2 likewise but I rarely dump the older sims because there are
certain planes [sim community rendered...naturally!] I still like to fly
on the older sim to speak. Case(s) in point : For FS98, the
Chaffin-Rambow-Visser masterpiece [*not to mention the then future
planes/panels that followed for the FS series !] for that time frame
[*in my view anyway and so stated] -- the DC-3 R4D and yet another
masterpiece for FS2K, Paul Golding's MD80 [This all in one
DL...panel/plane/sounds is dazzling and I'll wager various of the long
time simmers already have it...if at, Avsim, etc. Well worth the DL! Caution: Paul is a purist!
Forget the Control E thing. Manual engine start the
numbers...or you don't fly! Dunno! That's Paul for you!

Anyway, I'm loading up good ol' FS98 on the now SATA drive [with a BIG
tip o' the wing to Pete D. for the great info!] and of course the patch
for same but when the sim appears the panel is about a third of the size
it should be! Why? Dunno! This happens in any screen resolution or sim
mode view [docked or full screen mode] and I tried 2 re-installs of the
sim...same deal! Other sims are fine but '98 won't cooperate! The panel
[of any plane including stock stuff] appears but it's a third of the
normal size yet the runway [either mode] remains normal! This has me
stymied! Possible clue-- even when taken out completely and a
re-installation attempted it wants to install itself in
'Programs/Microsoft Games/FS2000 !!!???

Anyone for a cure or Dx as to what's happening with the sudden shrunken
plane panels?

Doc Tony

[from afar....]

Greasy: "Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Al "D". : [to Greasy...extends fist, vertical, pinky down...] "Hey
G-man, see that?"

Greasy: [goes for it...instinct some would muse...] 'RAP!' ... to the
fist...self-inflicted head bonk follows forthwith....

;-), any hunches on the FS98 sort-of end of flick
'Beatlejuice' [remember the head thing? Ahhhh, forget it....] mystery?

What's that? Ohhhh, what harm! I write satire, OK?

[but then...]

Greasy: [nasty like...] "Yeah sure...and I'm the friggin' King of the

BoB [sic]: "Not quite Mr. G ...there is no Siam...if you wish to get
geographically technical about it!"

Greasy: "Sez you! This Doc Tony guy is ...ehhh....he's makin' it up!
Anyone can make grand claims [*as Greasy does !] ....I want proof!"

Sure! Look here and observe the decent company I'm in. Satisfied?
Click 'Authors' ... Go to the 'L' .... Enjoy!

[post the above 'flight' it were...]

Greasy: "Yo, S-bird [!!!], like what do you know about .... [refers to
his notes...] ...ehhh....'Seppuku', man?"

S-bird: "Sepp-u-WHO?"


And the finale! As Bro' Al D. pulls a line from one of his old still
retained 331/3 RPM vinyl's fer cryin' out loud! To wit, 'JC, Superstar'
and bellows to the RAS assembled a la you-know-who in that Webber [UK]
musical way back when about yours truly, "I DON'T KNOW HIM!"

Note to Dean B. ! [Lurks RAS when time permits!] Hey, the CD idea for CP
mag was a great move but, alas, I see that the 'show' by Doc and friend
is [unfortunately] going by the boards for, I suppose, want of requisite
sheckles...but I wanted to see YOU at interview! Although I thought
you-know-who [AKA the 'father of CP', initials "RF" ] did a good
job...the PCAv LA and NY scenery plug notwithstanding! ;-)

[and more!]

John Ward: "That has to be Doc referring to Bob Ferraro!"

Greasy: "He said the initials were 'RF', not 'BF', Mr. Ward! Wake up!"

John: GROAN "Ohhhh ferrrr..... ."

Don P. : "John...hey....with the G-man, not to fret.....I mean, hey,
consider the source!"

Pete D. "Or 'sauce' ..... !"
