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Old September 17th 06, 01:10 AM posted to rec.aviation.piloting
Jim Macklin
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,070
Default FAA address change

Use lat/lon, that should be universal.

"Matt Whiting" wrote in message
| You just have to love the FAA. My address recently
changed from a rural
| route address to a road address to comply with our new
county 911
| system. I have an official letter saying that my new
address is Cross
| RD. I entered that into the FAA online address change
form and it
| changed it to Cross ST and said that it had been changed
to be compliant
| with USPS standards. It was the USPS that gave me Cross
| Left hand please meet right hand. Well, if they want to
call my dirt
| road a street, more power to them. I just hope the mail
carrier doesn't
| get confused as they do use street addresses in town, but
roads in the
| township...
| Matt