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Old October 9th 06, 09:59 AM posted to rec.aviation.ifr,uk.rec.aviation
Thomas Borchert
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,749
Default Garmin 496 - TAWS any good for Europe


I am wondering whether the European terrain database is any good.

First, the nitpick ;-) It is not TAWS, but a terrain database. TAWS is
something certified.

Second: Both the units from Garmin (296 and up) and those from Lowrance
(Airmap 600c and 2000c) come in a European/International version with
the corresponding terrain. The 496 also offers a European obstacle
databse, which not all other units have. The Airmaps, OTOH, are easier
to use in both Europe and the US, if that is your interest.

Thomas Borchert (EDDH)