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Old October 25th 06, 12:18 PM posted to rec.aviation.homebuilt
external usenet poster
Posts: 367
Default Attn Spam Can drivers: Need MS FlightSim reality check...

I was taught to fly with "control altitude with the throtle, and
airspeed with the elevator." It made sense to me as my instructor
showed me how to do slow flight. We would get to a slow speed by
pulling back on the yoke until we got our desired speed and then would
set the throttle to whatever RPM was necessary to maintain our given
altitude. Setting up for a landing is basically the same
thing...throttle back (and if trim setting is not changed, altitude
decreases at some rate), back on the yoke (or stick) to get desired
airspeed and then adjust throttle for desired rate of descent (500 FPM
seems pretty standard)...

Corben Junior Ace

wright1902glider wrote:

If anyone out there will admit to driving a C-172, I have a question.
In MS FlightSim 2003, Rod the VR flight instructor tells me that I
should be controlling my altitude with the throtle, and my airspeed
with the elevator? Does that make sense?

In Microsoftland, I've got to constantly play with the throtle to hold
a consistant altitude. I don't recall ever seeing a pilot do that in
any plane I've ever flown in, but I could be wrong. Opinions?

I know that PPG's fly this way, and with gliders, down=fast, and
up=slow. But what about powered aircraft?

Harry Frey