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Old September 8th 03, 04:47 PM
external usenet poster
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I loved the story, Mike - but if my asking who wrote it causes you this much

a problem, just pretend I didn't.

Hey, don't get bossy with ME, pal.

I asked a simple question and you act like I had you arrested for plagerism.
Mike, I asked who wrote it. And complimented the piece more than once. I
apologize for asking a question and complimenting the contents of your post. I
promise not to do it again.

Looking back, trying to do a good thing was a mistake on my part
considering how low the common denominator often sinks to around
here. Case in point: look at how Gord slammed Ed Rasimus several
days ago after Ed simply posted a harmless and amusing little anecdote
about him flying a T-29:

Excuse me if I don't care about other people's disagreements. As for "sinking
low" by asking for an attribution from you, like I said, I won't do it again.

We still love the stories. As my old chief counseled, "Grow a thicker
skin, or die."

Glad ya' enjoyed them Gordon. But since you don't seem to get it,
allow me to explain a couple things that really are just plain ol'
common sense and common courtesy:

First, I was just the messenger and didn't write the stories

And how the heck would we know that, unless we ask, "DID YOU WRITE THAT"? Not
all of us are as psychic as you give us credit.

it doesn't matter to me whether or not everyone agrees with me. I'm
fully capable of taking care of myself.

Not sure where that's coming from - I don't agree OR disagree with you; I asked
for the source and your reply was to get upset and refuse to post any more. I
stand by my question - I know it was not improper and I think most reasonable
observers wouldn't think my conduct at that point to be outrageous or

The problem is that the
authors aren't here to defend themselves against nitpickers like you
who would inevitably tear apart both the stories and the authors
(whom, like I said, aren't here to defend themselves). QED.

Wow, that's some chip on your shoulder, Mike. "Nitpickers like you"? I would
"inevitably tear apart the stories and the authors"? Why, you cheeky little
monkey, all I did was COMPLIMENT THE WRITING.

Damn, that must be the nitpicker in me replying - sorry.

Second, asking me to continue on sending the stories after you insult
me with your repeated condescending retorts such as the ones above
is asking a bit much, doncha' think?

Yeah, Mike. Better if you just withhold your postings, to teach all of us a
lesson. Apparently, asking you for a source is "asking a bit much".

I kinda' view this NG as a
virtual hangar party where buds can sit around, beer in hand, and
swap friendly stories and info back and forth.

That's why most of us are here. But since this is not verbal communication and
some people in here collect the stories, occasionally someone will make the
grand mal faux pas of asking, "Where'd you hear that?" At which point, the
poster can choose to overreact and refuse to participate, or he can say, "Gee,
I don't know." You pick.

Now, I don't know what
hangar parties your "old chief" has attended, but the one's I've
been to the participants don't usually sit around on the lawn chairs,
drink your beer, eat your food....

You must own your own hangar, if its "your beer" and "your food". At every
squadron party I've been at, there were people who had good stories to tell and
I am not the sort to raise my hand and correct small inconsistancies. In your
case, your nose went out of joint the moment I asked where the story came from
- I can't understand how that can be seen as nitpicking or insulting.

and then insult you and call you

I don't recall insulting you in that first reply of mine, or any name-calling.
You posted an excellent piece of prose about a magnificent airman and I asked
if you wrote it, suggesting if it wasn't you that you might include the
author's name. Like many , I watch this newsgroup and periodically see a gem
go by - a story like old Ralph's there. When we see such content, we save it
as text files. I am not the only person that does this, nor am I the only one
that likes to have the author's name to go along with the text, so I can
properly quote from it in future discussions. Also, I have never heard it to
be rude to ask the source of a document - never.

Gordon 'the Punisher'