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Old March 4th 08, 07:41 AM posted to rec.aviation.piloting,rec.aviation.ifr
Bertie the Bunyip[_25_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,735
Default Ack!! video A320 xwind in Germany

"Robert M. Gary" wrote in news:5e393001-314a-46e0-aeb0-

the flare, crabbing up to that point.

Yea, that's call the "crab and kick" its common with jet jocks and,
sadly, becoming the most common way CFI's teach in C-150's today. I'm
still a big fan of the slipping method because my background is
taildraggers and the crab&kick method doesn't work in taildraggers.

Doesn't really work all that well with anything, but it's a neccesary evil
in some airplanes. High performance fighter jets have to do it and some
airliners, especially four engined ones, but the video clearly illustrates
why, in max winds, it's just nowhere near as effective.
