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Old May 1st 08, 07:12 PM posted to sci.geo.satellite-nav,rec.aviation.soaring,alt.satellite.gps
external usenet poster
Posts: 681
Default SPOT should be ashamed

On Apr 30, 4:47*pm, Sarah Anderson wrote:
Because there's two kinds of people, pilots and ... no, I won't
go there.

Because there's 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary
and those who don't



OK, this is off-topic and probably going to come out sounding all
wrong; but Sarah, whoever you are, I love you!

Pilot... Check.
Geek... Check.
Woman... Check (or at least a safe bet, given the name *grin*)

...What a gem! If you have a significant other, tell him/her that I'm
very jealous. :-)
