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Old February 6th 10, 04:59 AM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
Roger Worden[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 11
Default Typical glider & trailer total weight?

What would you say is a typical or average glider trailer weight? I
know, "it depends"... but what is typical?

I'm shopping for a new vehicle and will buy one that I could use if I
crew for someone or to move our club gliders around. Gliders that I
have moved around range from 450 to 850 pounds. I don't own a glider
myself so I've don't know what the trailers weigh. What's the weight
range for typical fiberglass or metal-frame-aluminum-skin glider

(I've seen lots of discussion on RAS about towing in general... not
asking for vehicle or towing advice.)

Thanks in advance.