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Old September 23rd 12, 09:37 AM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
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Posts: 377
Default Best performing Vario?

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:58:15 PM UTC+1, Craig R. wrote:
In your opinion, what was the best performing vario you have ever used? Specifically, the one that got you centered in and to the top of the thermal in the least amount of time.

Let's ignore products because they have the latest "bells and whistles" add ons, latest technology, sexy appearances, or best computer processor. Basic performance is the only criteria.

I've heard some say the legacy Cambridge units and some say the Sage mechanical.

Which unit did it for you?

So many of you say the Clearnav vario is fantastic. What is it about that vario that makes it better than any other? How do you recognise that it is better? Say, what is better about it than a V7? (I have an LX 7000, most high end gliders in the UK use the LX series, they are pretty good, and presumably the V7 will be the best yet). I fly a club glider with an LNav, and I love that too. Varios like the LX give you numerous settings, and I suspect that what makes a vario work well for me is the way it has been setup. Sadly I am not clever enough to know how to set it up for best results! When other people out-climb me (hopefully not too often) my first thought is never that it is the fault of the vario!

I only once took off with a non-functioning vario (the LNav, water in plumbing). I thought it was odd that nothing was working, and was about to land out when I realised that the problem was the vario not the conditions! Happily I then found a good enough thermal to climb without a vario, and was able to fly back to the airfield. I understand some people are clever enough to fly cross country without a vario. Not me.

The Butterfly sounds like genuine new tech - using accelerometers as well as pressure change. I can imagine that this must achieve a better result, but I cannot imagine how I would recognise that better result. How would I decide whether to spec my next glider with an LX 9000 or to save money and use a Butterfly plus Oudie?