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Old April 16th 04, 05:00 AM
vincent p. norris
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

The point I was making was that the "Fortress" was unable to protect
its crews as the USAAC (and other air forces) had fondly believed
before the war.....

I don't think anyone could possibly dispute that!

and that aerial bombardment in WWII by and large
failed to live up to the hopes and fears of the generals

The "Strategic Bombing Survey" conducted after the war came to the
same conclusion. German production actually increased during the war.

It appears the most valuable service provided by the 8th Air Force was
not in damaging German war production, but by shooting down LW
fighters in preparation for the invasion. Without air superiority, the
Allied ground forces would have had a much tougher time, if indeed the
invasion could have succeeded at all.

That may even have been the real intent of the raids. On one
occasion, Doolittle walked into a bombing unit ready room, saw a sign
saying "The job of the fighters is to bring the bombers safely home."
(Or words to that effect.)

Doolittle shouted, "Take that goddam sign down! The job of the
fighters is to destroy the Luftwaffe!"

vince norris