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Old August 9th 15, 11:58 PM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
John Cochrane[_3_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 351
Default FLARM in Stealth Mode at US 15M/Standard Nationals - Loved It!

A question:

Another request we are hearing a lot of is the request to make US contests more like worlds, and in particular to support team flying where possible. (Along with simplification)

Flarm is enormously valuable to team flying. Ask anyone who has tried it. The ability to see where your "team mate" is without endless radio chatter, especially if he's behind you, makes the whole thing work better.

While flarm is allowed in worlds (which, granted, may not be forever), is this an important consideration? Similarly, if all the dark arts that UH described are going on at worlds, is getting good at this sort of thing important to US pilots? Or is it better to go our own way?

John Cochrane