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Old February 22nd 04, 10:26 AM
external usenet poster
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In article , dav1936531 says...
From: nt (Krztalizer)

Osama has sworn not to be taken alive and is probably surrounded by a truly

hard core bunch of dead-enders that will go out shooting.

Yeah, he'll go down fighting like Saddam did - "Don't shoot! I want my

lawyer! Parlayyyy!!"

Saddam is not reputed to be a religiously motivated zealot.....Osama is and he
thinks he's headed directly to paradise for his dying in the glorious jihad
ordered by Allah against the infidels. You just aren't going to be able to
reason with someone like that. It's sorta like that David Koresh thing down in
Waco, TX where everybody died in that big fire. Nuts do that kind of stuff.

I bet that Osama is not taken alive, but it would be funny as hell if he was
because it sure would make all his underling wanna-be suicide bombers look like
a bunch of deluded brain washed stooges. The "GREAT OSAMA" gets his chance to
become a martyr, and chickens out.

People like ObL do not tend to commit suicide. Although they do
encourage their people to do so.

How many public servants care enough about their department agenda that
they would be willing, if it received a budget cut to take a pay cut?

Observations of Bernard - No 46