Thread: Gasohol
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Old June 29th 07, 10:42 PM posted to rec.aviation.homebuilt,rec.aviation.owning,rec.aviation.piloting
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,924
Default Gasohol

"Mike Isaksen" wrote

A little further OT,... I've watched a lot of heavy #6 (needs to be heated
to pump) unloaded at the offshore platform. When the tanker is empty, we
pig the pipe and backfill with #2. The methods seem crude to the observer,
but the results are exact enough even for the accountants.

Care to explain a little more, for the unfamiliar among us?

Pig the pipe?

Backfill with #2? What is that?

Why is it possible to be considered as crude, and why is it accurate?
Jim in NC