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Old August 25th 13, 08:05 PM posted to rec.aviation.homebuilt
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Default Rec.Aviation.Homebuilt

"Barnyard BOb" wrote


The world must be a-changing.
1. A dog with average IQ wouldn't miss Dr. Zoom Campbell.
2. Never heard a bad word about Mr. Wier or is it Weir, until now.

I did spot Jim W's Cessa on the ramp at LXT a few months ago.
Seems he now is wifeless and has a younger lady friend replacement.

All I can say is...
Mr. W hasn't changed one ****in' biit, attitude wise.
Otherwise, he's showing his share of wear and tear, too.

Nor I, or when I met him.
He is know to be a bit harsh on the passing fool.
Is there a lesson there?

Jim in NC