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Old February 13th 04, 09:55 PM
Mike \(Remove X's to reply\)
external usenet poster
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Default Newbie with questions...

Hi there,

After seeing a commercial on TV for pilot's lessons, my childhood interest
in flying was renewed and I want to make the jump into flying. How much are
lessons typically and the license fees? Once your done with the
certification, how do you access a plane? Do you rent, lease, buy? What's
the price range for all of these things. Would it ever be feasable to fly
yourself somewhere else for a vacation for a week, or would it be too
expensive? How noisy are planes? Will I need earplugs?

Sorry for so many questions. I'm just excited! If these questions are
highlighted in a FAQ, please point the way.

Oh, and I wear glasses, monofocal about -2.5 diopter plus astigmatism
correction of about 2.5 as well. Will this be a problem?



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