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Old September 15th 03, 12:17 PM
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Default Enemies Of Everyone

US-Israel Police State
Shakedown Menaces
The Entire World
Enemies Of Everyone
By John Kaminski


"And the first one now will later be last ..." --Bob Dylan

Along the bloody trail of human history, it is sadly ironic but
perhaps somehow inevitable that the foremost champion of individual
freedom and human rights has now morphed into the most dangerous
menace the people of the world have ever confronted. A totalitarian
society in which ordinary people have no say in the events that
afflict them looms directly in front of all of us.

The United States of America was once the envy of everyone for its
principles guaranteeing freedom of religion, a free press, and liberty
and justice for all. But now, spurred on toward bloody coercion by its
perverted ties to the insanely warlike state of Israel, the U.S.A. is
now the enemy of every honest human being anywhere as it tries to
conquer, coopt, and plunder every nation on Earth.

The hopeful promise at the dawn of the third millennium of the
Christian era has already been bloodstained by blatant and poisonous
American mass murder in two struggling states whose underprivileged
inhabitants have been heartlessly slaughtered by the horrific high
technology of death that is rapidly becoming known as America's
leading export. These criminal tragedies are made all the more
egregious " all the more a profound offense to everything humans hold
sacred and meaningful" by the pathetic excuses used to justify these
macabre murder festivals, shallow rationalizations that have been
exposed as cruel, cynical and clumsy lies.

For the facts are clear: the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were
planned long before 9/11 ever happened.

Once regarded for their fairness and compassion, the American people
callously continue their conspicuous consumption, ignoring the screams
of the dying as the rest of the world bleeds under the heel of a war
machine that most badly brainwashed Americans rabidly endorse and

Americans themselves, lulled into a consumeristic coma by subtly
seditious Jewish influences in media, education, and politics, are not
immune from the capitalist carnage, either. They have lost their
manufacturing base and their economy to the depredations of
internationalist financiers, and have also been deprived of most of
their Constitutional guarantees by totalitarian legislation made
possible by the soul-crushing hoax known as 9/11.

As a result, in addition to destroying the nations of Afghanistan and
Iraq with radioactive poisons, the U.S. is now involved in active
military provocations in almost every country around the world, at
least in every country not already shackled by militaristic
dictatorships firmly subservient to American policy.

Significant new aggressive U.S. provocations materialized last week in
Venezuela and the Philippines to go with the ongoing covert operations
against Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, North Korea, Cuba, Libya,
Sudan and various other struggling states in Africa, South America and
Asia. In addition the U.S. has long since deployed troops and weaponry
in fledgling statelets bordering the south side of Russia to
intimidate that floundering superstate, and continues to flirt with a
war against China over the tense issue of Taiwan.

Only in Western Europe and North America does the U.S. have nominally
good relations with anyone it doesn't regularly bribe, and even in
that sphere, Canada, France, and Germany are realizing the new
American-Israeli police state axis could turn on them at any time.

Everyone in the world with half a brain now realizes that the genuine
axis of evil is the United States, Britain and Israel, with a few
pseudo-Islamic sycophants such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and
wild-card sellouts like India and Australia hanging onto the coattails
of the tyrannical triad, not realizing the treacherous fate that
awaits them too.

So America no longer has any true friends in the world, only peasant
nations desperately begging for handouts and subservient
pseudo-competitors cringing in obsequious fear to a superpower gone

For me as an American, the real tragedy in all this is that the very
Americans who support this satanic coming-out of the U.S. as a vicious
predator nation do not realize that their fate will be the same as
those unfortunate residents of nations currently being victimized by
American-Israeli firepower, economic genocide and political extortion.

In their unconcerned acquiescence, Americans refuse to realize that
what their lying, killer government practices abroad will soon come
home to roost. But even as their banking system is about to collapse
in a heap of worthless paper, most Americans still have no clue that
their lives are about to change forever.

Thus, as Israel's savage policies of exclusion and exploitation work
to the detriment of even its own people and Jews around the world, so
America's unrestrained eagerness to bomb first and never ask the right
question at all is surely to ricochet inward and penalize " if not
destroy " the very people who put their trust in quick-answering
leaders with no moral standards other than numbers on a ledger sheet.


Once upon a time, white European Protestant Christians plundered the
Garden of Eden known as the North American continent, leaving 60
million dead and hundreds of cultures extinct. It appears Israel has
followed the American model in the Middle East, inexorably
exterminating the original inhabitants yet painting its warriors as
freedom fighting heroes by using the media and money it controls
worldwide. The current fate of the natives of Palestine is every bit
as bleak as the current depressed state of the remnant populations of
thoroughly demoralized Native Americans.

In recent years, America has reversed this process of teacher and
pupil by emulating the behavior of the Zionist murderers. Israel has
long been known for perpetrating terror against its own citizens in
order to galvanize support for its illegal Zionist state. America took
a page out of that book on September 11, 2001, when a high level
neo-con/Likudnik plot destroyed its two most recognizable landmarks
along with 3,000 innocent lives in New York City.

Thus the process of twinship between Americans and Israelis has come
full circle as they band together to rip off the world.

America and Israel are the enemies of every country on Earth, and
worse for them, they are their own worst enemies as they commit
unspeakable crimes against their own citizens and similarly and
falsely blame the atrocities on the dark-skinned Arab patsies whom
they wish to exploit. What better way? Particularly when Zionist
Americans are in control of virtually all the world's major media.

America and Israel are the enemies of everyone who seek a humane and
compassionate future based on justice and freedom. While certain
minorities in these two rampaging nations do seek a peaceful cessation
of their warlike policies, it will nevertheless be the citizens of
these two conscienceless death factories who will one day pay a very
dear price for their perfidy and lack of concern and compassion for
the world around them. And when that day comes, the perpetrators of
their own pain, just like on 9/11, will be their very own governments.
\ John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a
collection of his Internet essays published by Dandelion Books.
Autographed copies are available at