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Old July 21st 03, 10:18 PM
Don Martin
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

medical and THEN flying. THAT would be far more potentially dangerous
than being on the drug, trust me.

"I think" the general population wouldn't understand that last
sentence, or what's behind it.

Hmmmm..... *I* don't understand your comment. What I meant by my
original remark is that (assuming no problem such as seizures), my
mental outlook is 10 times better on the drug than without the drug.
From a personal standpoint (in other words *ME*) I am safe either way.
I've suffered the condition all my life, flew professionally for many
years and as mentioned before have never dinged a bird or sickened a
passenger. If I were to quit the meds today, in no way would I be
dangerous; I've NEVER on my worst day considered suicide.

Let me give a couple of example to those who've never suffered
depression or one of it's "sub categories" (there are many). Take
for example, "road rage". If you've NEVER gotten ****ed off at some
damn fool in traffic, then you probably have no depressive symptoms at

When I don't take the drug, I can sometimes get into situations where
I'd *like* to kick someones tail, but I'd NEVER do it. With the drug,
when some jerk does a real stupid thing, even if it potentially
endangers me, I have no such feelings. I just sort of "laugh it off".
I figure *HE'S* got bigger problems than I.

Another example.... Without the drug I have much better days when the
sun is shining that I do on dreary days. This is the SAD (seasionally
affected disorder) sub-category of depression. Using the drug, I
rarely even notice if it's sunny or cloudy.... In other words I'm
just as happy either way.

Third example.... Without the drug, I'd have visciously blasted those
one or two individuals who (even though my original post said I didn't
wanna hear of their opinionated crap) posted chiding types of messages
anyhow. I'd have ripped them a new one (verbally).

With the drug, I just ignore them; in fact, more than likely THEY
could benefit greatly from the same meds I take. Does the cliche
"Wound too tight" seem appropriate?? It should, 'cause that's another
sympton of depression.

Hopefully, this will shed a little further light on me. I am NOT a
troll an the origination of this whole thread was sincere. Obviously
my real name is NOT Don Martin. I am old enough (and experienced
enough, having been a federal employee for several years) to
understand federal government bureaucracy and how some damn fool in a
high place can make an arbitrary (but stupid) decision that negatively
affects the lives of thousands for no real ligit reason at all.

Oh, to the person who suggested getting the wife a rating.... She
can't hold a medical either and has been that way all her life.

Once again, my thanks to all who've commented, especially those with
the fine thoughts/ideas.