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Old June 4th 04, 03:58 AM
Abrigon Gusiq
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Its one way of dealing with Vietnam and like wars that did not go well,
atleast in the public mind.. Not that there was not oddities and
corruptions cause of WW2.

Much of the crisises of the world today can be directly related to
thigns we did not do during and after WW2. Like where did the Atlantic
Charter go after FDR died? Well, instead of helping give former
imperial/colonial possessions their freedom, we allowed the empires to
keep them and abuse them as before. Vietnam as being one.


John Galt wrote:

The Most Exploited Generation
Posted by Chris Dominguez

The way the mandarins of Warfare State never tire of their odes to
World War II, you'd almost think they were sorry it ever ended. Their
love of the "Good War" makes perfect sense, though; the period of the
war was a Statist's dream come true: all able-bodied men reduced to
chattel slaves of the government, and everyone else subject to its
regulation over practically all aspects of life. This helps explain
the creation of the myth of the "Greatest Generation." I say "myth"
not to diminish my grandparents or their contemporaries, but only as a
way of explaining how those not of that generation (George W. Bush,
Stephen Ambrose, Tom Brokaw, Steven Spielberg, etc.) have used this
flattery either in the service of their own gain or as a way of
shaming the rest of us into taking up our own mantle of "sacrifice" in
service to the Almighty State.

What will the Warmongers do when the last of those WWII vets have
passed away in another election cycle or two? Evoke the glories of
Korea, Vietnam, or the Persian Gulf? The State has been living off the
capital of D-Day for far too long; not much more blood can be squeezed
from that rock. Notwithstanding the Statist hope of a
generations-spanning Holy Crusade for Democracy, America will not and
cannot keep that party going. The keg is already running dry. In 15
years WWII will be to anyone under 45 like WWI or the War of
1812--just something that happened in 11th-grade history class.