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Old September 22nd 10, 06:25 PM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
external usenet poster
Posts: 154
Default Club Class Nationals

Why is everyone focused on the wrong end of this subject? Why are you
focused on a nationals/team selection discussion when the club class
is still practically only a concept in the US at this point? It's like
you want to have the super bowl without the regular season and
playoffs to determine who plays in it. You guys constantly dance
around the real issue....participation. You seem to acknowledge it
only because it limits your options for team selection. Fix the
participation problem first and the issue of where and how team
selection is done will be way easier to solve. Not to mention the
health of soaring competition in the US. There's got to be a ton of
potential contest talent out there who own club class ships. Find a
way to tap into it. As an example, look at the Memorial Day event that
Sky Soaring (Chicago) puts on for those who have never flown in a
contest. The SSA/contest concious folks should find ways to promote
such activities at all clubs. Reach out to the clubs and send a "how-
to guide" for informal club-level contests to get the ball rolling. It
has to start somewhere, and nationals/team selection ain't it.