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Old May 19th 07, 12:26 AM posted to comp.os.os2.advocacy,,rec.aviation.products,,demon.local
Michael Baldwin, Bruce
external usenet poster
Posts: 975
Default Plagiarist Tholen's weaselly digest, volume 2454237^-0.00000000000000003

Bruce AKA the alleged jmalloy wrote:
Right on cue, the plagiarist tholed his tholings
some mo

What was allegedly plagiarized, Malloy?

The same thing you have accused me of, o befarted one.

Indeed, Bruce.

Put up or shut up, Malloy.

Why don't you try your own advice, Tholen? Yeah, I know Tholen, Tholen.

A0L! Dickless can neither get it up nor shut up, Bruce. Butt you don't
need me to tell you that.

On what basis do you claim that it is "VERY rarely used", Malloy?

Well, it's about 90% you attempting to "defend" your "honor", Tholen.
That's the pointlessness of it all -- you are without honor, Tholen.
And certainly OS's don't have honor. Thus, it's virtually dead, Tholen. QED.

Ipso facto, Bruce.

Illogical, Malloy; Serenity Systems

Most illogical that you attempt to hijack the talk of Os/2, Tholen, as
this "Serenity Systems" is not Os/2.

Indeed, Bruce.

251 You belittle it with an unproven fact

I should have put quotation marks about "fact" to make it clear enough
so that even YOU could understand it, Tholen. What you believe to be
the case does not necessarily make it so, Tholen. Of course, you would
know that by now had you *any* insight whatsoever, Tholen.

He doesn't, Bruce. Butt we all knew that a long time ago.

Facts do not require proof, Malloy. It's the proof of a hypothesis
that turns them into facts.

Statements issued by you are not necessarily "facts" just because of the
inferior position you occupy, Tholen. Get used to it, Tholen, it's has
always been thus.

FNID, Bruce.

Facts cannots be untrue, Malloy.

Yes they can, Tholen, when they are "claimed" by an unreliable source
like you, Tholen, someone who will lie, cheat, and do whatever to appear
to be the "victor". You are nothing like a "victor", Tholen, you're
much more like a loser.

Dickles lost it a long time ago, Bruce.