Thread: Me-108
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Old January 15th 07, 02:05 PM posted to
Paul Elliot
external usenet poster
Posts: 222
Default Me-108 - 1 attachment

Wayne Paul wrote:
Now the marking on this one IS strange. The Polish Wilga (PZL-104) was
designed to tow gliders (up to 3 at a time) and provide skydiving training.
It has been in continuous production since 1962 (first flight was April 24,

It definitely is a post war design. I don't see any logical reason for WWII
German markings.

HP-14 "6F"

"Bob Harrington" wrote in message
"Mikey" wrote in
. uk:

It's a Pilatus P2 actually chaps and it just don't look right in them
thar markings!

Seems to be a trend...

Bob ^,,^

Photoshop in action.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Heaven
is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics
German, the lovers French and it is all organized by the Swiss.\par
Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics
French, the lovers Swiss and it is all organized by Italians.\par