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Old May 29th 13, 11:03 AM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default PowerFLARM 3.0 and TIS

Hi Andy,

TIS would have no reason to send that information. It appears that
the FLARM transmitted non-direction target is made up of 8 separate
target symbols. If that is the case then all the available targets

Yes, that's indeed the case.

Thanks for your suggestions. We'll consider them, but
I'm afraid we have higher priority issues. Also, I'm afraid that the
alternating solution might confuse (some) displays. Whatever we do,
the TIS is simply not designed for non-directional targets and the only real
solution is for Garmin to support the FLARM protocol.

Please be assured, though, that PCAS targets *do* have priority over
directional targets once they become more dangerous. So, our implementation
does not compromise safety in any way.

--Gerhard (FLARM dev mgr)