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Old December 31st 03, 07:07 AM
The Raven
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Matthew Denning" wrote in message
Sorry to have taken so long to reply. With the Christmas break I haven't
looked at the newsgroup entries since my last posting on the 20th Dec. Re
the operating costs of the Boomerang, if you have a copy of the recently
released NEW newsletter for Australian Warbirds Association Limited called
"The Warbird Flyer" there is a breakdown on page 10 of approximate

costs per hour for a T-28 Trojan which runs to $1544 per hour.

I've flown in CVP and know how much that cost me.....I've also heard
R.Hourigans comments on running costs.

The Boomerang maintenance and operating requirements are a bit different

a T-28, however the running costs are virtually the same as this in real
terms. The fuel usage on average of 180 litres per hour is only one
component of the equation. Flying time from Oakey to Tyabb is around 5
hours, and therefore 10 hours total for the round trip. So you can see

just getting there and back is in the order of $15000.

Yes, I can see how it adds up. It surprises me how many people say "Why
didn't aircraft 'X' appear at this show". Rarely do people take into account
the cost of merely getting there. I'm often amazed at how many aircraft from
Temora etc end up at Vic airshows.

There are very few
air shows in Australia including Tyabb that have budgets which can justify
paying this sort of money to get one particular aeroplane to their event.

So true.

I really appreciate your offer of potential sponsorship and any pledges of
support would certainly be gladly accepted.

I'd be willing to make the request to our company but I realistically doubt
we could come up with anything near the amount required. However it would be
nice to know that we assisted in some way with your attendance at Tyabb.

No promises or anything but, I'll test the waters at the office.


The Raven
** President of the ozemail.* and uunet.* NG's
** since August 15th 2000.