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Old April 7th 06, 06:54 AM posted to rec.aviation.owning
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Default Keep From Getting Points on Your Drivers License - article

On 6 Apr 2006 10:56:06 -0700, wrote:

Every once in a while, somebody comes up with a great idea for beating
the system.

This morning there is an article on on
how to keep from getting points on your driver's license when you get a
ticket. The article is right at the top of the page.

There might be ways to do that. I vaguely remember a local story about
a guy who beat a drunk driving charge by donating $20,000 and the case
was dropped. When the news broke, there was some outrage from the
anti-drunk driving groups. I suspected that the guy was motivated to
give up the money in order to keep the FAA from hearing about it. I've
been doing some Internet searches for references to the story but it
may be too old to be available online.

RK Henry