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Snow... by
Dan Luke
....it's hard to see through, and good ol' Gulf Coast home boys like me should
not mess around with it.
Christmas Eve I was flying my daughter and grandson to Houston to visit my
mom for the holiday. We'd spent the previous day in a little town NE of
Houston. It was only about a 45 nm flight...
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Merry Christmas to Everyone by
C J Campbell
May God bless you and yours throughout the coming year.
Christopher J. Campbell
World Famous Flight Instructor
Port Orchard, WA
Ne Obliviscaris
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The joke called TSA by
Your tax dollars at work
Our sympathies go out to anyone caught in the incredible mess at
Hartsfield International Airport on Saturday. I'm told that literally
thousands missed flights because there weren't enough TSA screeners on
duty to get the job done. Here is just one of...
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All yuor troll are belong to us. by
C Kingsbury
Merry non-denominational Holidays to y'all out there. Things seem a little
quiet here so here's my year-end wrap-up.
Jeppesen plates are better because they'll get you in to a lot of airports
when goverment plates won't work. It's because the minimums on Jepp plates
are lower, because they're only...
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How to get the most from VFR XC's for IFR requirements? by
Hi all,
I've begun my IFR taining and at the same time, racking up the cross
country hours required for the ticket.
I'm wondering what things I could do in these strictly VFR XC's that would
help me learn/gain insight or facility with the IFR world. So far I have:
1) My CFII suggested I plan...
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Preferred Routing by
Anthony Acri
Will be doing a flight from Toronto (canada) to Teteboro on monday (ifr).
Looked at the preferred routing from Toronto to Teteboro. Don't have the
preferred routing from Teteboro to Toronto.
Would anybody know what it would it be?
Any help is appreciayed
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final reserve fuel by
Could anyone tell me how the final reserve for jets is calculated?
I know it's the fuel to fly for 30 minutes at 1500ft AAL in ISA
conditions at holding speed... But what weight do you use? Do you
assume that contignency fuel is burnt (so gross weight = TOW - TRIP
fuel - ALTN fuel) when...
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December 25th 04 05:21 PM
by ellx
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Deicing during heavy weather conditions by
William W. Plummer
ellx wrote:
Ever seen deicing at night during heavy weather? Spectacular pictures of a
B747/400 deicing under http://decker.antoine.free.fr
Putting your message on one newsgroup would have been sufficient.
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Learning more about weather by
Matt Young
I've recently earned my instrument ticket, and feel that I still need to
learn more about weather. I've been looking at several resources for
study and would like recommendations on which ones are good/bad, which
ones are best, other suggestions.
Jepp Aviation Weather
Buck Weather Flying
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Safety pilot in and out of IMC by
Paul Tomblin
I want to go fly some approaches (and a hold) on Sunday. I know from
experience that it's likely that the ceilings will be too high to do any
meaningful approaches in IMC, but high enough that I might be in IMC
during the vectors to the approach or at the hold. I figured I could take
along a...
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aircraft approach category quandary by
[email protected]
I know the aim para 5.4.7 says that aircraft approach categories are
based on 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing config at max
certificated gross landing weight (comes from far 97.3 (b).
However I know I have read somewhere, perhaps the aim or a far,
something along the lines that where the...
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Switching to JeppView by
Travis Marlatte
This is purely from a recreational IFR perspective of switching to JeppView.
In other words, money, utility, and convenience are all important, in that
Since starting my instrument training years ago, I have had a subscription
to the paper Jepp charts for the central region of the US. This...
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Logging time on a PCATD by
[email protected]
I have an instrument rating and just took a instrument simulator at a
local community college where I flew about 25 hours of time on an Elite
PCATD. I was not 'IFR current' prior to taking the class. Can I use
this time to become current again?
The instructor didn't think that the time was...
December 18th 04 05:25 PM
by Mitty
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Approach Plates on PDA (PIREP) by
Stan Prevost
A few days ago there was a thread here discussing how to make use of digital
NACO approach plates on a PDA. The context was that a pilot could download
and print fresh current charts for the primary airport(s) and alternate(s),
and have charts for other airports available on a PDA for use in the...
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Have you ever seen a C-130 Hercules trying to do a hover over the runway ? by
Iwan Bogels
Check out http://www.dappa.nl/crash.htm
This video is about a (then) highly classified project to land a C-130 at a
soccer field, and get it back airborne from the same field with even more
load than during landing. The landing test caused the Herc to virtually
hover over the site, and the video...
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